Unfortunately the Bermuda high has not been in effect so our thermal breezes have been less than stellar. However we have been lucky to get some good days in. These days have been quite a bit more numerous now with a number of us riding course racing boards. In fact, I was ripping it up averaging 25kts in 13kts of wind on a ExA 11m. Speaking of ripping it up I have to throw a huge shout out to the young guns Luis and Posito…Damn are they throwing some serious Air! I cannot wait to see what those guys achieve in the coming years.
For those of you who crave the surf just look a little south and east into the Atlantic because Hurricane season has started and with it we should see some solid swell come pumping up our way.
Below are a few photos from a very rare July Northerly wind peaking out close to 30kts. This was very unexpected but very welcome.
Keep riding hard…Brock
Check in on Facebook as I should have some really exciting news in the next few.